The 5th National Fungus Day of Egypt

Under the auspices of:

Prof. Farouk Ismail (Chair of Egyptian Scientific Institute) and Management Board of Egyptian Scientific Institute.

Venue: The Institut d’Égypte (Egyptian Scientific Institute), Cairo, Egypt.
Date: February 20, 2020

اليوم الوطنى الخامس لفطريات مصر

المجمع العلمى المصرى- القاهرة - جمهورية مصر العربية

تحت رعاية السيد الاستاذ الدكتور /فاروق اسماعيل (رئيس المجمع العلمى المصرى) ومجلس إدارة المجمع العلمى المصرى.
التاريخ: الخميس الموافق 20 فبراير 2020



In 2014 and 2016 Abdel-Azeem “the founder of Arab Society for Fungal Conservation” proposed a good candidate for celebration of Egypt’s National Fungus Day on the 20th of February. This is due to the role of ancient Egyptians in documentation and conservation of fungi since ancient time and Ramses II is one of the famous pharaohs and solar event in The Great Temple at Abu Simbel is a cosmopolitan one. Abdel-Azeem with the help of international societies, agencies and mycologists decreed the Egypt’s National Fungus Day in Bibliotheca Alexandrina in the 20th of February 2016 for the first time.

تزامنا مع تعامد الشمس علي وجه الملك رمسيس الثاني في المعبد الكبير بابو سمبل في العشرين من فبراير من كل عام هذا الحدث العظيم لابداع المصري القديم فقد قام الاستاذ الدكتور أحمد عبد العظيم مؤسس الجمعية العربية للحفاظ على الفطريات وبمساعدة المؤسسات والوكالات الدولية باختيار هذا اليوم يوما وطنيا للفطريات في مصر منذ عامي 2014 و 2016 وذلك لتأكيد وتوثيق دور المصريين القدماء في التعامل والحفاظ علي الفطريات منذ اقدم العصور. وقد تم الاحتفال لاول مرة في العشرين من فبراير من عام 2016 باليوم الوطني للفطريات في مصر في رحاب مكتبة الإسكندرية في العشرين من فبراير 2016 لأول مرة


Delile the author of Flore d’Egypte to the left. The original drawing of Phallus roseus described from Egypt by Delile to the right. For more detalis please check Abdel-Azeem (2010).



Arab Society for Fungal Conservation (Botany Department, Faculty of Science, University of Suez Canal at Ismailia) and The Institut d’Égypte
(Egyptian Scientific Institute) under the auspices of the Convention on biological Diversity (CBD) and Mohamed bin Zayed species conservation
Fund (MBZ) announce the 5th anniversary celebration of the National Fungus Day of Egypt. The celebration will take place in The Institut d’Égypte
(Egyptian Scientific Institute), Cairo, Egypt on 20th of February 2020 from 10 am till 6 pm if Allah wills.
The celebration will include different activities which will cover different topics such as:

1. Ecology and mycology,

2. Competition between Fungi,

3. Mechanisms for Conserving Fungi,

4. Fungus-invertebrate and fungus-microbe interaction,

5. Advance mycological research,

6. Degradation of organic compounds,

7. Fungi and permaculture,

8. Non-pathogenic association of fungi with plants,

9. Pathogenic association of fungi with plants,

10. Bioremediation of soils

11. Biological control agents,

12. Phylogeny and evolution,

13. Fungal identification and quantification,

14. Mushrooms,

15. Lichens,

16. Mycotoxicology,

17. Veterinary mycology,

18. Food mycology,

19. Fungal biotechnology,

20. Industrial mycology,

21. Medical mycology,

22. Bacterial-fungal interactions,

23. Fungi and renewable energy,

24. Fungi as rechargeable batteries,

25. Fungi and human health.

For poster presentation on the different fields of mycology, please download the instructions form here and the poster template from here.
Then, use the online submission form للتسجيل to submit your details and attach the abstract as word file.
The accepted full papers will be published with a 50% discount in the International Scientific Journal of Microbial Biology (Microbial Biosystems) - Indexed in Clarivate.

For mor details about Hala Tobar Arts.

Some activities will be carried by our young mycologists are:

1- Ganoderma - Business opportunity in Egypt.

2- Bread and beer making in ancient Egypt.

3- Fascinating Fungus Facts.

4- Grow your own mushrooms.

5- Have you seen this fungus in Egypt before?

6- How to make a spore print of a mushroom.

7- Exhibition of Hala Tobar and Forouzan R. Shafie paintings.

8- Scientific Posters from various activities carried by ASFC.

9-Exhibition of Forouzan R. SHAFIE and Hala Tobar paintings.

Publications for the previous Egypt's National Fungus Days: