The 7th National Fungus Day of Egypt Online | اليوم الوطنى السابع لفطريات مصر أونلاين

The 7th National Fungus Day of Egypt Online
Date: February 25, 2022

اليوم الوطنى السابع لفطريات مصر- أونلاين 25 فبراير 2022



Event Coordinator

Dr. Teroj Abdulrahman Mohamed

Dental Basic Sciences Department, College of Dentistry, ,
University of Duhok, Iraq.


Fungi the Climate Warriors الفطريات محاربى المناخ

In 2014 and 2016 Abdel-Azeem “the founder of Arab Society for Fungal Conservation” proposed a good candidate for celebration of Egypt’s National Fungus Day on the 20th of February. This is due to the role of ancient Egyptians in documentation and conservation of fungi since ancient time and Ramses II is one of the famous pharaohs and solar event in The Great Temple at Abu Simbel is a cosmopolitan one. Abdel-Azeem with the help of international societies, agencies and mycologists decreed the Egypt’s National Fungus Day in Bibliotheca Alexandrina in the 20th of February 2016 for the first time.

تزامنا مع تعامد الشمس علي وجه الملك رمسيس الثاني في المعبد الكبير بابو سمبل في العشرين من فبراير من كل عام هذا الحدث العظيم لابداع المصري القديم فقد قام الاستاذ الدكتور أحمد عبد العظيم مؤسس الجمعية العربية للحفاظ على الفطريات وبمساعدة المؤسسات والوكالات الدولية باختيار هذا اليوم يوما وطنيا للفطريات في مصر منذ عامي 2014 و 2016 وذلك لتأكيد وتوثيق دور المصريين القدماء في التعامل والحفاظ علي الفطريات منذ اقدم العصور. وقد تم الاحتفال لاول مرة في العشرين من فبراير من عام 2016 باليوم الوطني للفطريات في مصر في رحاب مكتبة الإسكندرية في العشرين من فبراير 2016 لأول مرة

Arab Society for Fungal Conservation (Botany and Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science, University of Suez Canal at Ismailia) under the auspices of the International Mycological Association (IMA), Convention on biological Diversity (CBD) and Mohamed bin Zayed species conservation Fund (MBZ) announce the 6th anniversary celebration of the National Fungus Day of Egypt. The celebration will take place online on the 25th of February 2022 from 10 am till 5 pm if Allah wills (Zoom meeting).

The celebration will include different activities which will cover different topics such as:
1-Climate change and the emergence of fungal pathogens.
2-Terrestrial fungi and global climate change.
3- Fungal disease and climate change.
4- Climate change, fungal change.
5- Climate adaptation – indoor fungi and health.
6- How fungi can help solve the climate crisis?
7- Climate change and plant diseases caused by fungi.
8- Fungal diversity and climate changes.
9- Example of fungal activity which reduces greenhouse gases.
10- Mycorrhizal fungi and climate change.
11- Agricultural crops, fungal diseases and climate change.

For E-poster presentation on the different fields of mycology, please download the instructions form here and the E-poster template from here.
Then, use the online submission form to submit your details and attach the abstract as word file.

If you will submit E-Poster, then all E-Posters will be available for viewing online before, during and after the day. During the day the posters will not be scheduled, but they can be viewed and discussed during the breaks at all screens.

If you want to connect to meet the author you can do so by email. You can also download the posters as high resolution PDF documents from the event site. E-Posters for 6th national Fungus Day of Egypt will use digital 50″ screens.

Deadline for uploading your E-Poster: Thursday, 15 April 2021
E-Poster registered presenters will receive a dedicated link to upload their E-Posters by email during January.
Please submit your E-Poster as a 1-page in portrait orientation. You may use a template that can be downloaded here.
• Language: All E-Posters should be prepared in English.
• File format: PDF or .pptx
• E-Poster size in pixel: 1080 width x 1536 height – portrait orientation
• E-Poster size in cm: 38,1 width x 54,2 height – portrait orientation
• Font size: ≥16
In case you wish to add a video to your poster, please keep these requirements in mind:
• File format: .pptx only
• Video formats: .mp4, .mpg, .avi
• Max. file size: 50 MB
• Max. number: 5 videos
• Sound: Supported

The accepted full papers will be published with a 20% discount in the International Scientific Journal of Microbial Biology (Microbial Biosystems) - Indexed in Clarivate.

Our well-known speakers for 2022


Prof. Abdelghafar M. Abu Elsaoud

Botany and Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science,
Suez Canal University,Egypt.

Handling and Analyses of Climate Change Data


Prof. Amira Mohamed Galal Darwish

Food Technology Department, Arid Lands Cultivation Research Institute (ALCRI),
City of Scientific Research and Technological Applications (SRTACity), Egypt.

Fungi-Based Protiens: The future towards reduced carbon foodprint


Ms. Fatma Ahmed Abo Nouh

Botany and Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science, ,
Suez Canal University, Egypt.

Impact of Climate Change on Soil Microbiome and Plant Health


Ms. Sara A. Gezaf

Botany and Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science,
Al-Arish climate University, Egypt.

Climate Change and Antimicrobials Resistance: Current situation and future prespective.


Ms. Khadija Hesham Abd Allah

Botany and Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science, ,
Suez Canal University, Egypt.

Fungal Mycelia as Climate Change Warriors.


Ms. Mayar Medhat Mohamed

Botany and Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science, ,
Suez Canal University, Egypt.

Plastic degrading fungi and climate change


Prof. Ahmed M. Abdel-Azeem

Botany and Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science, ,
Suez canal University, Egypt.

Fantastic Fungi, directed by Louie Schwartzberg– How mushrooms could save the world

Publications for the previous Egypt's National Fungus Days: